List of Previous year One Word Substitution for SSC and B.Ed Exam

Most Important One Word Substitutions for B.Ed Students 

Most Important 101+ One Word Substitution for Upcoming SSC & B.Ed Exam 

List of Previous year One Word Substitution for SSC and B.Ed Exam

1. A holiday which is taken by a newly married couple - Honeymoon

2. A diagram of the heavens showing the relative position of planets at the time of person's death - Horoscope

3. A person who entertains guest - Host

4. A woman who entertains guest - Hostess

5. A dog used for hunting - Hound

Best 333 One Ward Substitution For SSC CGL & B.Ed Exam 

Best 200+ One Ward Substitution For SSC CGL & B.Ed Exam 

Best Previous Year One Word Substitution for SSC CGL And B.Ed Exam 

300+ Most Asked English Vocabulary Words For Verbal Ability/Vocabulary for SSC Exam/Vocabulary for SSC CGL 2023: Expert Tips, Preparation.

One Word Substitution For SSC CGL//List of One Word Substitution for SSC CGL

6. A person who carries off somebody by force - Kidnapper

7. A place where clothes are washed and pressed - Laundry

8. An army officer who is below a captain in rank - Lieutenant

A junior officer in the navy - Lieutenant

9. Any alcoholic drink - Liquor

10. A baggage of a traveller - Luggage

11. A young unmarried woman - Maiden

12. A speech which is delivered for the first time - Maiden Speech

13. An animal that feeds its young with milk from the female mammary glands -Mammal

14. A book , document , letter etc. written by hand or typed - Manuscript

15. A female of donkey / horse - Mare

16. A woman who is in charge of nursing in a hospital - Matron

17. A magnificent tomb - Mausoleum

18. A medical student - Medico

19. Something that serves as a reminder - Momento

20. A person who lives in a metropolis - Metropolitan

21. A tiny living organisms causing disease - Microbe

22. An optical instrument for magnifying objects - Microscope

23. A period of one thousand years - Millennium

24. One thousand millions - Milliard

25. A thousand times one thousand - Million

26. A man of millions - Millionaire

27. A person who works in a mine - Miner

28. A place where coins are made - Mint

29. An official record of the proceeding of a meeting - Minutes

30. An impudent girl - Minx

31. An examiner presiding at some university examinations - Moderator

32. A building in which monks live - Monastery

33. A supreme ruler - Monarch

34. A pupil who looks after the boys in the class in the absence of the teacher - Monitor

35. A person who has withdrawn from the world for religious reasons - Monk

36. Two or more than two letters combined in one design - Monogram

37. A drama to be performed by a single man - monologue

38. A building which is constructed to keep alive one's memory - Monument

39. A hotel for the Motorists , in which parking and servicing facilities are available - Motel

40. A building where works of art , scientific specimens and other objects of permanent value are kept and displayed - Museum

41. Flash of sheep used as food - Mutton

42. Secretion of a plant which attracts the insects or birds that pollinate flowers -  Nectar

43. One who lives near another - Neighbour

44. A person recently married - Neogamist

45. A member of a wandering tribe - Nomad

46. A Central part of an atom - Nucleus

47. A room or place set apart for children -  Nursery

48. A place where young plants and trees are raised for transplantation elsewhere -  Nursery

49. A lovely young girl - Nymph

50. A notice of the death of a person - Obiturary

51. A plane figure of 8 sides -  Octagon

52. A young of animals - Offspring

53. One who looks on - Onlooker

54. A company of performers playing musical instruments - Orchestra

55. A person who looks after horses at an inn - Ostler

56. A plane figure of the shape of an egg - Oval

57. A person who tells the future and interprets character by reading the lines and configuration of the palm - Palmist

58. Remedy for all diseases - Panacea

59. A place of perfect peace and happiness - Paradise

60. Supreme law making assembly - Parliament

61. Words alike in sound but different in meaning and spelling - Paronym

62. A person who is 15 years old - Adolescent

63. A person who is 60 years old - Sexagenarian

64. A person who is 70 years old - Septuagenarian

65. A person who is 80 years old - Octogenarian

66. A person who is 90 years old - Nonagenarian

67. A person who is 100 years old - Centenarian

68. An event which happens once in 2 years - Biennial

69. An event which happens once in 3 years - Triennial

70. An event which happens once in 4 years - Quadrennial

71. An event which happens once in 5 years - Quinquennial

72. An event which happens once in 6 years - Sexennial

73. An event which happens once in 7 years - Septennial

74. An event which happens once in 8 years - Octennial

75. An event which happens once in 10 years - Decennial

76. One who makes a scientific study of language - Linguist

77. A person who lives on vegetables - Vegetarian

78. A person who eats vegetables and meat - Non-vegetarian

79. One who believes in oneself - Egoist

80. One who wastes money for luxury - Extravagant

81. One who abandons his religious faith - Apostate

82. A person who has a long experience of any occupation - Veteran

83. An animal which gives milk and suckles its young one - Mammal

84. Animals which live in water - Aquatic

85. Words opposite in meaning - Antonym

86. Words similar in meaning - Synonym

87. Assembly of listeners - Audience

88. Baggage of a Traveller - Luggage

89. A place where fishes and water plants are kept - Aquarium

90. A person who plays violin - Violinist

91. An area of land planted with grapes - Vineyard

92. A man or woman who has not sexual experience - Virgin

93. Something that happens without a cause - Accident

94. A person whose profession is to keep accounts - Accountant

95. Person with whom one is acquainted - Acquaintance

96. A set of instruments put together for a purpose - Apparatus

97. A legal written statement - Affidavit

98. A ground for the arrival and departure of aeroplanes - Airodrome

99. One who is engaged in husbandry Agriculturist

100. One who drives an aeroplane - Pilot / Aeronaut

101. The Bony framework of the body - Skeleton 

102. A book giving information on every department of knowledge in alphabetical order - Encyclopaedia

103. A building in which dead bodies are burnt - Crematorium

104. That which can be easily set on fire -  Inflammable

105. A building in which soldiers live - Barrack

106. That which can be heard - Audible

107. That which can be seen - Visible

108. A portable radio set - Transistor

109. A change in shape , size , appearance quality etc. - Transformation

110. A company of persons such as pilgrims , merchants making a journey together for safety - Caravan

111. Plans and promises which are declared by a candidate before the people in election -  Manifesto

112. A Disease that is found regularly in a particular place - Endemic 

113. A disease that causes death - Fatal

114. A disease that affects many people at the same place and time - Epidemic

115. A disease widely epidemic - Pandemic

116. An animal that creeps / crawls and lays eggs - Reptile

117. Colouring matter of green part of plants - Chlorophyll

118. 100th anniversary - Centenary

119. A chemical used for surface cleaning - Detergent

120. A person who is authorised to execute a legal deed - Executor

121. A person who is appointed to carry out the provisions of One's will - Executor

122. The act of killing one's brother -  Fratricide

123. A person who is genuinely interested in the Welfare and emancipation of women -  Feminist

124. A person who is sent to other country to propagate religion - Missionary

125. Land that does not grow anything - Barren

126. A person who prepares and sells drugs - Druggist

127. A person who runs a beautiful parlour - Beautician

128. A person who frightens wants to achieve his goal - Terrorist

129. A person who works against his country - Traitor

130. A person who is uncivilized - Barbarian


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